Day 25 - Iolani Palace, Oahu, Hawai'i

📌APIA Every Day (25) - Iolani Palace, located in downtown Honolulu on the Island of Oahu, stands as a unique and powerful symbol of Hawaiian independence. Constructed in 1882, it served as the official residence and capitol for the last reigning monarchs of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, King Kalakaua and Queen Lili'uokalani. The palace, an architectural marvel designed in the distinctive "American Florentine" style, showcased a blend of Italian Renaissance elements with features unique to Hawaiian architecture. Equipped with modern amenities such as electric lighting, indoor plumbing, and an early telephone, 'Iolani Palace reflected the kingdom's commitment to progress and modernity. The palace held significance not only as the monarch's residence but also as the seat of government, where official business and diplomatic events unfolded.

The history of 'Iolani Palace is intertwined with the political upheavals of the late 19th century. Queen Lili'uokalani's attempts to strengthen the monarchy faced opposition from powerful interests, leading to the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai'i in 1893. The palace witnessed the dramatic trial of the queen, held in the Throne Room, where she was falsely accused of aiding a counter-revolution. Despite her denial of any involvement, she was found guilty, fined, and sentenced to imprisonment. The palace, once a symbol of Hawaiian sovereignty, became a government headquarters for the new provisional government, marking a transformative period in the islands' history.

Following years of neglect, 'Iolani Palace underwent extensive restoration in the 1970s, led by the Friends of 'Iolani Palace. Today, the palace stands as a museum open to the public, offering a glimpse into the grandeur of its past. Visitors can explore the meticulously restored first and second floors, featuring the State Dining Room, Throne Room, King's and Queen's suites, and more. The palace grounds, with structures like The Coronation Pavilion and The Royal Tomb, contribute to the rich historical tapestry surrounding 'Iolani Palace. The significance of this landmark extends beyond its architectural and historical value; it stands as a testament to the resilience of Hawaiian culture and the enduring legacy of a kingdom that once thrived in the Pacific.


Iolani Palace

Lili’uokalani Trust: The Life of Queen Lili’uokalani

National Park Service: Iolani Palace, Honolulu, Hawai'i

National Park Service: Queen Lili'uokalani

PBS: Queen Lili‘uokalani - The First and Last Queen of Hawai‘i (12 min episode)

#apiaeveryday #hawaiinhistory #pacificislander #pacificislanderhistory #queenLiliuokalani #iolanipalace #palace #royalty #restorehawaii #historichawaii #oahu #historicarchitecture #hawaiinkingdom #overthrown #imprisonment #historicpreservation #aapi #aapihistory #quilt


Day 26 - Village de L'Est, New Orleans East, Louisana


Day 24 - Richard Aoki, Asian American Black Panther & FBI Informant, Oakland & UC Berkeley, CA